CUSTOM IMPRINTED CIGAR TUBESWe import and supply a huge range of cigars, and cigar tubes, and can customize cigars in small numbers for any occasion. We imprint the labels – in house – and can provide next day postal express delivery service. We can supply any configuration of cigar, in any size cigar tube, with your personal message or company logo. You can choose your own personal favourite cigar brand or make a suggestion on your favourite cigar size in any price bracket. The choice can include any cigar from any country from the huge range we carry. |
Births, Weddings, Corporate Golf Days
Cigar Dinners, Private Labels, Personalised Gifts
Sizes | ||
Corona | 51/2×48 | Now Available |
Lonsdale | 61/2×48 | Now Available |
Churchill | 7×50 | Now Available |
SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFERAn excellent quality hand-rolled 61/2inch x 44 gauge cigar supplied in a Churchill tube (7 inch) with 2 gold foil inscription labels with inscriptions of your choice